I wanted to say thanks for all of the help this summer.

Now that Randall went through steadiness again he is consistently stopping to flush if he bumps a bird and will remain there until I get to him.  He will also hold a bird on point until a shot, not the flush, which is a drastic change from previous years. The two other issues I had were he would speed up after relocating and run over birds which also has not happened this year. The second issue was he would chase birds out of my sight. Fortunately, he also has not done that this year.  Holding some for a couple of minutes while I’m trying to claw my way through the grouse woods. 

As my buddy said yesterday, this is a different dog. I truly do believe it. I know that yesterday probably was a magical day with six grouse found and all six pointed. But I like to think that this summer’s training played a HUGE part in that. 

Thanks for all your help. 



Thank you for your work with Willow over the summer. That work has shown up again and again this fall in the field.
